"You might want to get the car seat in the car over the weekend," my OB had suggested. I was 75% effaced and 2 cm dilated.
I had planned on driving out to a spot on the Columbia River on Saturday so I could snap a picture of a very snow-covered Mt. St. Helen's for Miss JJ's birthday on Sunday, May 18. Happy belated birthday, JJ!
I had planned on attending a second baby shower in my honor on that same Sunday. Mrs. Super Planner had flown up from Texas to attend as well.
That was the plan...
Instead, I spent the weekend giving birth to a gorgeous, healthy little girl.
Proving - once again - that nothing, I mean, nothing ever goes according to plan. But somehow life always turns out beautifully in the long run.
Pictures, name, birth story, etc., all coming soon.

And she already has Cowboy wrapped around her tiny little finger.
AND Cowboy, and Missy...
Oh am I really one of the first to give you congratulations and an embracing virtual hug?
I cannot wait to hear more.
Well Im just so disappointed I dont get my picture ;) I had really hoped to get out to see Mt St. Helen's on my 25th a few years ago--which was to be a big celebration out there, but of course that didnt go to plan since she started a mini-eruption again!
Oh I am THRILLED Missy is here--and she's a close-birthday-buddy, which I love! May girls rule!
Thanks for thinking of me during this very joyous time in your life, Ms Planner-you are a special friend!
OMG, Congratulations! I can't wait to hear the whole story and see Missy! Woo Hoo!
welcome to the world of one handed blogging!
i can't wait to see her!
Hey, CONGRATS! That is my mom's b-day too!
Oooh! Oooh! Ooooh! Jumping around the room, whooping!
Congratulations to you and Cowboy and your FAMILY!!
Planning (and the Planner) will never be the same again.
NO WAY!!! Congrats! I can't wait to see photos! (and, I agree w/ JJ. May girls do rule!) :-)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is great news!!! :)
So exciting!!! I'm glad to hear Missy's nice and healthy. What fun, surprising news! Can't wait for more...
Also, belated congrats to Cowboy on his new gig!
Much love to you all.
Oh, oh, oh -- I'm so excited!!
I'm hoping everything went smoothly and you are settling into motherhood! Can't wait to know more, but wanting you to enjoy this time first!
I am so happy for you! Congrats to you and Cowboy. Welcome little Missy - you have quite a fan club!
Oh my gosh! How exciting! What a fantastic way to have all your plans go out the window. Congratulations!!!
OMG! OMG!OMG!!! so freaking happy for you. SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Oh OUTSTANDING!!!! This will be the first eventual baby shower that the baby will get to come to! Congratulations! What a great post!!!
Congrats!!!!! What wonderful news! I can't wait to see and hear more.
Absolutely wonderful!
Can't wait to hear all the details.
Enjoy every moment!
congratulations to all three of you. Wonderful news!
Welcome to the outside world, Missy!
I am so happy for you, Cowboy, and, of course, Missy!
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