Happy holidays everyone. May all of your wishes come true. May you have a winter filled with many snow angels...
Blah, blah, blah. OK. I just want everyone to get pregnant, stay pregnant, have a healthy baby(ies), sign the official paperwork. Whatever. Whatever it takes to get you where you want to go in this world of motherhood.
I'm feeling a little weird this holiday. Grateful for such a full life. A little embarassed for wanting more. Trying to play it cool on the outside while inwardly desperate for another child in our family.
We leave soon for our annual ski trip. To Utah this time. I'll try to find something funny most days to post from the road. Stay tuned for stories of one horse towns, laundramats and toddler antics as we snake our way through Eastern Oregon, Southern Idaho and Northern Utah.
Above is our holiday card photo of Missy at 1-1/2. Like the good Northwest girl that she is, she loves apples.
Peace, love & powder, Ms. Planner, Cowboy & Missy